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The myths regarding domestic violence

Often people don’t understand that they are facing domestic violence at home as domestic violence is not only limited to physical assault and can include verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse. Here is a list of some of the misconceptions associated with domestic violence.

Domestic violence is always physical – Domestic violence can be emotional, psychological, verbal, and sexual. Often the abuse starts off as subtle and then escalates in severity.

Drugs and alcohol cause domestic violence – Drugs and alcohol can worsen the violent behavior as they lower inhibitions since many people consume these substances, and are not violent. Therefore, these substances are not the cause of the problem.

Domestic violence is uncommon – According to statistics one in every four women and one in every seven men are victims of domestic violence. As women have become more financially independent and know their rights, the cases of domestic violence have

Both parties share responsibilities in domestic violence situations – In many cases both parties are involved in the physical fight.

No one can stop domestic violence – People believe that the violence against women comes naturally to a man because they are more aggressive than their female counterparts. However, research indicates that men who are violent against women are men who have witnessed such situations in their families.

Domestic violence is a private matter – Domestic violence is not only a matter for the couple to solve. It is one that family and friends should show their support, by helping both parties mend their ways or help with professional assistance.

How to get a criminal record expunged

A criminal record however small can make your life difficult, embarrassing and make it hard to get a job and make romantic partners hesitant. Getting your criminal record expunged can sometimes be the only way to move forward.

Expungement is a process of sealing arrest and conviction records. Most states will allow you to expunge your records, however the criteria will differ from state to state. After your records have been expunged, your records will not be disclosed to potential employers or landlords, but will have to be disclosed for purposes of government security clearances. Expungement of criminal records does not mean that your records are destroyed; they are however sealed and can only be reopened with a court order.

Expungement is easier for cases relating to arrests or convictions for juvenile offenses. In some cases, diversion programs will be offered and once the program is completed, the records are expunged. In most cases juveniles will have to stay out of trouble until they reach 18 years of age, to have their records sealed.

However, some states will not allow expungement for felony convictions and may also have a time limit, which prohibits a person who has committed a fairly recent crime from having their records sealed. Expungemnet is also not applicable for people on probation or those that still have to pay fines and costs.

If you or a loved one is considering sealing their criminal records, it is advisable to speak to the lawyer who handled your initial case for guidance.


Tips to Settle a Child Custody Case

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Going through a divorce is painful, particularly if you have children. If you and your soon-to-be-former spouse are separating, being as amicable as possible and settling custody quickly can help minimize the emotional impact on your children. Here are tips to settle a potentially volatile child custody case from divorce lawyers in Long Beach CA.

  1. Keep the best interests of your children in mind. A family law attorney in Long Beach CA can help advocate on your behalf, and fight for your interests, but you should agree to establish a positive parenting relationship during this process.
  2. Understand how decisions are made. Ultimately, only about 1.5 percent of child custody cases go to trial, while the rest are settled by agreement of the parents or with the assistance of a mediator. If you can’t agree and your case goes to a judge, he or she will consider factors such as the child’s preferences, each parent’s current involvement in the child’s life, the location of each parent’s home, the stability of the child’s current life, and the best interests of the child.
  3. Respect your former spouse’s parental rights. Even if your marriage was unhappy, your partner still has a right to be a part of your children’s lives (absent neglect or abuse). In most cases it is in the best interest of a child to have regular contact with both parents. For that reason, develop tolerance of your ex’s parenting style even if it’s different from yours.

In addition to keeping these tips in mind, consult a divorce attorney Long Beach CA.

The Law Offices of Riley Khorram can help you with Long Beach divorce lawyers to settle family law disputes, including custody and divorce cases.

What Potential Parents Should Know About Child Custody Cases

A custody battle can be an agonizing and drawn-out ordeal. Everyone involved in a custody battle — parents, grandparents, potential stepparents or guardians — is engaged in a highly emotional battle. You might be tempted to think of your rights as a parent as self-evident, but the other parties and the courts may not think so. To protect your rights, you need the experience of a family lawyer Long Beach CA.

When a family is falling apart, it is often impossible to plan a defense and people may not act rationally. In additional to protecting your children’s right to proper parentage, you will need to protect your assets so you can take care of the family after the storm has blown over. A divorce attorney Long Beach CA can guide you through the process and provide the support you need to get through to the other side.

Child custody cases are often highly contentious and require a level of expertise and strategic planning that the parent usually does not possess on his own — even in the best of circumstances. Courts look out for the best interests of the child and will put parents under microscopic scrutiny. Anyone who is seeking visitation rights will a child faces rigorous examination. A child custody attorney Long Beach has the experience to guide you through the process and minimize the emotional upheaval.

If you’re looking for a family lawyer in Long Beach, the Law Offices of Riley Khorram have helped hundreds of clients find legal resolution in familial disputes.

How to pick a divorce lawyer

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