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Three Important Roles in any Construction Project

Hiring a construction consultant is one of those necessary components to any successful project. It’s helpful to have someone to review the plans, solve claims or handle interim needs in a timely manner. There are all manner of construction consultants available, some who even fill more than one role. First, identify your immediate needs so you can plan clearly for the future. Here are three roles consultant’s normally fill.

Management Roles

One of the most important, and unexpected, roles that might need filling is management. When we hire a project manager, we don’t anticipate accidents or illness preventing this person from completing their duty. Hiring construction & turnaround services can help fill this important temporary position.

Turnarounds also require someone with expertise handling machinery to be upgraded, so sometimes these roles are necessary even on a routine project like upgrading a refinery.

Advisory Roles

Construction advisory services fill many roles that aren’t limited to just one concept. You may need an advisor to review plans, or have another review scope of work to be sure you’ve allocated proper numbers of personnel to a project.

Advisors are important so you stick to your budget and deliver the project on time. Without advisors, you’re flying solo and hoping for the best possible outcome. It’s a strategy, just not a very sound one.


Claims can be greatly expedited with the use of an advisor. These people fill the important role of helping to determine whether a claim is worth legal action, and how to proceed. They will help to gather paperwork so your claim goes off without a hitch.

Lyle Charles is an expert construction consultant with more than 30 years of experience in the commercial construction industry.